Municipal Civil Protection Plan – Risk of forest fires and fires in interface areas

The municipal civil protection plan is a fundamental planning tool for assessing the danger, vulnerability and risk of the municipal territory and for emergency management as an intervention model.

Analysis of waiting and recovery areas, risk assessment and potential impact of fire fronts with interface areas and safe zones and potential population escape routes associated with fuel models, define specific procedures for high-risk areas and address effective alert tools for the population.

These Plans provide useful elements for structural prevention, for defensive spaces and for self-protection in addition to the necessary foresight aspects and harmonize with regional regulations and AIB regional operational plans in force.

DATE: 2018-in corso
CLIENTS: Comuni di: Calci, Camaiore, Grosseto, Lamporecchio, Larciano, Lucca, Monte Argentario, Orbetello, Quarrata e Serravalle Pistoiese, Santa Maria A Monte, Vecchiano, Viareggio.