D.R.E.Am. Italia is a cooperative enterprise based in Tuscany, which has been active for over 40 years on the national and international territory, oriented to support a sustainable development of the territory through the realisation of complex projects and consultancy in the field of natural resource management.

The approach of D.R.E.Am. Italia is focused to continuous attention to all the interests expressed by the stakeholders acting on the territory. The consequent analysis of contextual issues and identification of possible solutions, thanks to the know-how developed over decades of professional activity, reinforce the synergy between the desire for environmental conservation and the need to address the evolution of socio-economic trends, rather than leading to tighten up their divergences, with a view to facilitating the necessary process of ecological transition underway.

D.R.E.Am. Italia provides continuous technical support for the settlement of topics proposed by various local, regional and national public authorities, and a vast number of research centers, companies and private entities.


D.R.E.Am. Italia is a cooperative enterprise based in Tuscany, which has been active for over 40 years on the national and international territory, oriented to support a sustainable development of the territory through the realisation of complex projects and consultancy in the field of natural resource management.aff

Average active contracts in a year

Years in operation

2023 financial statement


D.R.E.Am. Italia in 2019 established a new Training Agency accredited by theTuscany Region (Credit Code OF0251 ) in accordance with the regional regulations in force (DGR 894/17 and ss.mm.ii. – DGR 1407/16 and ss.mm.ii.- DGR 968/07 and ss.mm.ii.).

The training activities of D.R.E.Am. Italia are related to all the issues that concern the environment, either for the study of its typically scientific components, or for the deepening of the aspects of management and protection of the same, encouraging the development of numerous educational activities.

The multidisciplinary approach to educational activities, which D.R.E.Am. Italia is able to provide, enhances the entire training activity that can find, in every context and theme addressed, the widest and most complete vision of the topics covered. In this sense, the many years of experience gained by the Professionals of D.R.E.Am plays a fundamental role in carrying out its own project activity, which enriches the content of the teaching that they are then able to transfer, as teachers, to train the trainer, inserting in the training activity that particular added value that in certain contexts becomes even crucial for teaching.
Download the quality card

Together since 45 years

Model 231 and Whistleblowing

D.R.E.Am. Italia has always been focussed to the need to ensure fairness and transparency in business operations, and is committed to oppose illegal conduct through the promotion of ethical values and principles, as well as the effective implementation of conduct rules and control processes, in line with applicable legal requirements and best practice guidelines.

For this reason, the Cooperative has adopted the organizational and management model established by Legislative Decree 231/2001 and is committed to promoting and encouraging the reporting of illegal activities and actions that, even potentially, could be contrary to legal and corporate regulations.

To report an illegal activity, click here.

Sustainability Certificate

D.R.E.Am. Italia obtained the sustainability certificate in April 2024 with a score of “B – Good.”

ESG Score: B
A company with a good level of compliance with ESG principles, aligned with national and international best practices.

The ESG score conforms to the international reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative and considers the most important and significant topics related to Environmental, Social, and Governance factors.

Quality Policy

D.R.E.Am. Italia has a Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015) standard and has been certified since June 2000 by DNV (Det Norske Veritas) for the following scope of application: ‘Planning and monitoring in the agro-forestry and wildlife sectors.

Design of hydraulic, forestry, rehabilitation, and environmental enhancement projects.

Design and provision of training services in the agro-forestry, wildlife, and environmental sectors for public entities.

Ph. Matteo Perini