The project “GO CO2 SFoMa Marche” presented in Finland as a good practice of Sustainable Forest Management
From 19 to 22 February D.R.E.Am. Italy flew to Jyvaskyla, Finland, to participate in the Interreg EU project "NACAO - Nature based carbon offsets" meeting. Several partners and stakeholders of NACAO attended the event to share experiences on the compensation of CO2...
D.R.E.A.m. Italia at the 2024 Collection of the Chianti Classico Wine Consortium
On February 15th, the 2024 Collection of the Chianti Classico Wine Consortium kicked off at the Leopolda Station in Florence, the annual event dedicated to presenting the wines of the Gallo Nero, which this year celebrates its first 100 years. In this special edition,...
The Forest Fire Fighting and Civil Protection team on a training trip to the United States
The personnel of the Forest Fire Fighting and Civil Protection department participated in a training trip to California to deepen their knowledge of forest management and applied meteorology to wildfires, and to discover virtuous and effective best practices. Mt....
Final Event of the participatory path for land care in Monte Pisano ‘Managing the Forest’
On Friday, January 26, 2024, at the Tenuta dello Scompiglio (Vorno, Capannori), the final event of the project "Managing the Forest" took place, an absolutely innovative project, the first of its kind in Tuscany with prominent participatory features, in which...
GOProFOR LIFE in the Spotlight of the European Commission’s NCP LIFE Italy Program
The European Commission (NCP LIFE Italy) features an article on the GOProFOR LIFE project - led by D.R.E.AM. - on the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency portal. The article can be accessed at this link. The GOProFOR LIFE project gathers...
Reopening of Registrations for the ‘Shepherds and Breeders School’ of the LIFE ShepForBio Project
Following the success of the previous edition, D.R.E.A.m. Italia is pleased to announce the reopening of registrations for the "Shepherds and Breeders School" promoted by the LIFE Shepforbio project. This year, there will be 8 available spots, and students will be...
The HORIZON ResAlliance project makes a stop in Italy with the workshop “Opportunities for Cork Farming in Sardinia”
On 20 October 2023 D.R.E.Am. together with Agenzia Regionale Forestas, ETIFOR and with the collaboration of FSC Italia organized a meeting to share good practices that will help other LandLab Mediterranean to create landscapes able to withstand threats such as fire,...
D.R.E.Am. Takes Part in the ‘Territory Care’ Working Group at the ‘Accanto’ Event
On November 7th, President Lilia Orlandi participated in the 'Territory Care' working group at the 'Accanto' event promoted by Legacoop Nazionale and Legacoop Lombardia, with the patronage of ANCI. 'Accanto' is a gathering that brings together key public and private...
D.R.E.Am. Italia in the Azores for the ERASMUS+ Relief Project
Meeting on Terceira Island for the partners of the European project RELIEF – euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming – aimed at revolutionizing the teaching of bioeconomics in agriculture by developing two innovative study programs for students, professionals in the...
The Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2022 budget
The Shareholders' Meeting approves the 2022 budget On 29 June, the annual Shareholders' Meeting of D.R.E.Am. Italia was held for the approval of the budget for the year 2022.The company closed in 2022 with a positive turnover of 6.7 million euros and an increase of 7%...
LIFE GoProFor at the Learning Session “Collection and dissemination of good practices on Ecosystem Restoration”
On Thursday, June 22 at 3.30 pm, the LIFE GoProFor project will be presented at an online "learning session" organized within the United Nations Decade by the FAO Task Force on Good Practices. The event will explore several platforms dedicated to documenting and...
A meeting to explore the opportunities of PNRR for the redevelopment of olive oil mill
On 14 June Olivicoltori Toscani Associati organized a meeting, to explore the opportunities made available to the PNRR for the redevelopment of oil mills. The event took place at the cooperative Olivicoltori Toscani Associati - Frantoio Cerbaia dell'opa and involved...