The WeProsper project makes a stop in Italy

The WeProsper project makes a stop in Italy

We are pleased to welcome the delegation of Ukrainian cooperators from the WeProsper project that will support the most vulnerable and marginalized women and people in the rural areas of Donetsk and Luhansk in the Donbas regionn. The project, developed by SOCODEVI in...

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ShepForBio project’s School of Shepherding kicks off

ShepForBio project’s School of Shepherding kicks off

On Saturday 22 April at 12 noon at the Officine Capodarno premises in Stia (AR), at the same time with the starting of lessons for the Shepherd School, a press conference will be held to present the course in the presence of the 8 candidates from all over Italy,...

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D.R.E.Am Italia from today member of RESPIRA

D.R.E.Am Italia from today member of RESPIRA

As of today DREAM Italia becomes a member of RESPIRA, a national reference point for the establishment of Renewable Energy Community (CER) and its form of organisation is a cooperative. "It was a choice that matured from the cooperation with Coopfond and carried out...

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LIFE GOPROFOR Final Conference

LIFE GOPROFOR Final Conference

The final event of the LIFE Go Pro For project will be held on 20 and 21 March. The first day will be held in Florence at the Auditorium Di Sant'Apollonia and will discuss Good practices for managing forests while conserving biodiversity. The second day is dedicated...

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The city council member Saccardi visit to the CatchCo2 project

The city council member Saccardi visit to the CatchCo2 project

L'assessore Saccardi in visita al Progetto CatchCo2 On 2 August 2021, the Councillor for Agricultural Policies of the Tuscany Region Stefania Saccardi, visited the Cooperative Society of Montalbano Oil and Wine in Lamporecchio (FI), as part of the CatchCo2 project...

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Dream Italia intervenes at the 41st Legacoop National Congress

Dream Italia intervenes at the 41st Legacoop National Congress

Who can stop a mountain when it decides to come down?You just can’t, like you can’t stop a big fire.But you can "30 years before" prevent this from happening with prevention. Review the full speech by the president of D.R.E.Am. Italy Lilia Orlandi, representing the...

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Dream Italia at the 41st National Legacoop Congress

Dream Italia at the 41st National Legacoop Congress

Who can stop a mountain when it decides to come down?You just can’t, like you can’t stop a big fire.But you can "30 years before" prevent this from happening with prevention. The President of D.R.E.Am. Italy Lilia Orlandi, representing the Alliance of Italian...

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