Final Event of the GO CO2 SFoMa Marche project
Final Event of the GO CO2 SFoMa Marche project Tomorrow, 17 February, Fabriano will host the final conference 'Branded forest. Forest certification and local development for the inland areas of the Marche Region'. In fact, the project "CO2 Stored in Forests Management...
LIFE GRANATHA Final Conference
LIFE GRANATHA Final Conference On Thursday, 9 February, the Auditorium of Loro Ciuffenna will host the Final Conference of LIFE Granatha, the Life project coordinated by Dream Italia, realised with Unione dei Comuni del Pratomagno, Università degli Studi di Torino...
Enrolment open for ShepForBio’s Shepherd School
Registration is now open for the Shepherds and Breeders School of the LIFE Shepforbio project, a project coordinated by DREAm Italia - European Projects. Activities will begin in April at the Officine Capodarno Training Centre with theoretical lessons (12 modules with...
CATChCo2-live: innovative, cooperative, and sustainable land management for combating climate change
Is it possible to develop the local economy by restoring old abandoned olive groves and contributing to the mitigation of the effects of climate change by decoupling CO2? D.R.E.Am. Italy has done so together with DAGRI UNIFI in the CATChCo2-live project, in a pilot...
General Assembly Meeting
In 16 December, the members of the Cooperative D.R.E.Am. Italia met for their general assembly at the premises of Officine Capodarno in Pratovecchio Stia (AR). During the meeting, the Administrative Council presented the Preliminary Balance Sheet for 2022 and the...
Investiamo sulla crescita professionale: corso Project Management
Investing in professional growth: Project Management course Weekly online training appointment for D.R.E.Am. Italia technicians. Every Wednesday afternoon more than 30 technicians connect on the online platform to follow the lessons given by the General Director...
AIB Dream Italia management sets the standard
Masterfuego, a Spanish master on forest fires, will be visiting the Centro Addestramento Antincendi Boschiivi 'La Pineta' on 21 October to observe the Region of Tuscany's good practices and Dream's work in terms of forecasting, prevention and active combat.