The Pig Brig is the easiest, most effective feral hog trap system.

The “PigBrig” trap has been developed in the United States by wildlife biologists, Tony and Vickie Denicola of the non-profit White Buffalo, as part of projects for the containment of impacts from suites to agricultural and human activities in general. Their experience is based on projects for the solution of conflicts with wildlife in many world scenarios. Since 2020 they have made their experience available globally and today these traps are also present in Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, as well as the United States and Canada. In European critical scenarios, they have already contributed to the significant mitigation of conflicts with a high level of efficiency.


This patented trap weighs a little more than a bag of corn. (not including t-posts or hardware).

True Multi-Catch

Pigs can enter all night. Catch the entire sounder with no gate and continuous entry.

Low Cost

The cost of the trap is low compared to the reduction of economic damage that it is able to mitigate. Maintenance costs are also very low.

 Easy Set Up

No more hassling your friends or neighbors. One person can set the trap in under an hour.

Easy to Transport

The trap system fits in a 24-gallon Action Packer for convenient transport on the back of an ATV.

No Fuss

The trap is the technology. No cell service, remote activation, or subscription necessary.

100-Day Returns

Risk-free! If you don’t love it, return it for a full refund within 100 days of purchase. (U.S. Only). For Italy, the relevant laws apply.

On-Call Support

BNeed assistance? We are pig-catching experts. Call, chat, and email anytime.

Tough As Steel

Double-walled, UV-protected, 8,000 ft-lb drop strength netting stands up to the biggest boars.

Pig Brig Trap Systems

The only difference between the basic model and the XT is the presence, in the second, of an anti-jump ring that prevents the larger animals to get out once they are trapped.

Wild boar trap system are intended only for public bodies or authorized subjects for the activities provided for under current legislation (art. 4; art. 10, paragraph 7; art. 19, paragraph 2; art. 19-bis of Law n. 157/92 and art. 11, paragraph 4 and art. 19, paragraph 5 of Law 394/91)

Pig Brig Trap System

Pig Brig XT Trap System

Pig Brig Trap Accessories

Get all the parts you need for your Pig Brig Trap System. Grab more ground anchors and T-Post mounts to make multiple sets easy. Add a Trap Cap. Replace your Boar Shield. You need it, we’ve got it. If you don’t see it, call us. Other accessories can be found on the PigBrigU.S.A website.

Trap Cap

5 Heavy Duty Anchor Stakes

10 T-Bar Ground Anchor

Second Set Kit: 12 Ground Anchors and 10 T-Post Mounts

12 Ground Anchors (Hard or Soft Ground)

10 T-Post Mounts

Ground Anchor Drive Rod 24″ Regular price

5 Anchor Stakes

6 ft. Double Hooked Cam Strap

10 Zip Ties

Hardware Kit (Hard or Soft Ground)

Repair Kit

Easy Pull Cable Seam

Replacement Beefy Boar Shield with Easy-Pull Cable Seam

What’s included?

Base Net
A 20-ft diameter base net with a dynamic drop strength of more than 8,000-ft-lbs as well as a vinyl-coated easy pull cable seam that makes opening and closing your trap a piece of cake.

Boar Shield
A heavy-duty, double wall of net that keeps big boars inside.

Hardware Kit
This kit includes everything you need to set the net: 2-ft ground anchors, ground anchor driver, anchor stakes, double-hooked cam straps, T-post mounts and zip ties. T-posts are not included. If you use trees, you may not need them.

Trap Cap (Optional)
A 2-ft-wide trap cap—that can be clipped or sewn in—covers approximately 30% of the net opening, keeping jumpers where they belong: inside the trap.

Learn more on the Pig Brig U.S.A website

Frequently asked questions

What kind of warranty do you offer?
For all valid warranty claims, we will either repair or replace the defect. If we can’t do either of those, we’ll be happy to offer a full refund.

How many people does it take to set it up?
One will do it. In less than an hour, one person can have the trap completely set up without having to beg friends and family to help.

Where can I use it?
Wherever the pigs are. With no rigid walls to contend with, you can deploy the Pig Brig Trap anywhere, including uneven ground, hillsides and wooded areas.

What kind of customer support can I expect?
We’re real live humans and we’re here to help. We stand with you and behind our name with all the real-time, personal support you need.

Does it hold big pigs?
The Pig Brig Trap will catch and hold the largest hogs out there. We’ve consistently handled boars weighing in around 400-lbs, for more than 12 hours with no problems at all.

How many pigs can it hold?
Our largest catch is 65 in one trap! Even though the trap can catch and hold big numbers, we sometimes recommend using two when dealing with multiple social groups or lone boars that dominate a single site.


Sandro Nicoloso
Contact person for Pig Brig Italy

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