The objective of the Plan is to monitor the possible effects on flora and fauna of the consolidation works on the rocky walls of Monte Pellegrino (Palermo) above the urban areas of Vergine Maria and Addura, which partly fall within the boundaries of the ITA 020014 ‘Monte Pellegrino’ SAC and the Oriented Nature Reserve of the same name.

The monitoring concerns the assessment

  •  of the impact on the Vegetation and Flora component deriving from the site planting operations, the insertion of the rockfall barriers into the vegetation fabric of the Reserve and the cleaning of the walls affected by the consolidation works;
  • the impact on the Fauna component deriving from the disturbance during the work site phase due to work and vehicle movement.

During monitoring, special attention is paid to protected or important species, with particular regard to the rupicolous species Chamaerops humilis, Lithodora rosmarinifolia, Dianthus rupicolae, Brassica rupestris, Helichrysum rupestre, Centaurea ucriae, Seseli bocconi, Iberis semperflorens, Silene fruticosa, Lomelosia cretica, Matthiola incana, Micromeria graeca subsp. fruticulosa, Galium aetnicum.

CLIENT: Regione Siciliana
DATE: 2023-2024