RELIEF aims to develop and provide an innovative approach to teaching bioeconomy in agriculture by developing specific learning resources for HEI students and agricultural workers. Higher education institutions, vocational training centres, agricultural advisors, research institutes and social partners from Italy, Greece, Sweden, Cyprus and Portugal will create a high quality network within the EU to promote the bioeconomy in the agricultural agenda.
RELIEF will provide a training needs analysis and develop two bioeconomy curricula for higher education students, agricultural professionals and farmers, exploring key areas that are critical for the implementation of business models and strategies towards the bioeconomy in agriculture.

DATA: 2022/2024
AMOUNT: total budget 2,358,820 €; EU contribution 1,00 844,0 €
PARTNER: D.R.E.Am. Italia, Università del Peloponneso, Università di Firenze, Università delle Azzorre, Università di Mälardalen, Olympic Training & Consulting, CESIE, INNOVADE LI, TERINOV Science and Technology Park, Institute of Bioeconomy and Agri-Technology of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – CERTH
PROJECT CODE: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO Grant Management Number: 101056181 Relief