Ph.Thomas Schaefer via Unsplash
Ph.Thomas Schaefer via Unsplash

NOSO2: Using an Innovative System to Produce Wines Without Added Sulfites

The NOSO2 project aims to create an innovative protocol for producing a wine that does not require the addition of sulfites and at the same time maintains high quality.

Sulfites, although used as preservatives, can pose a health risk to consumers (Vally and Thompson, 2003).

The choice to not use sulfites in winemaking requires the adoption of alternative technologies, specific protocols, and analytical controls throughout the vinification process.

The project identifies the adoption of the innovative “Air Mixing” system (designed by Parsec SRL), combined with a meticulous chemical and microbiological control system on one hand, and a well-defined protocol tailored to the characteristics of the vintage on the other, as the solution for producing high-quality wines without sulfites.

D.R.E.Am. Italia supports Food Micro Team in coordinating the partnership, project reporting, and dissemination.

This initiative is made possible thanks to DEFR 2020 funding—Regional Project 6 “Rural Development and Quality Agriculture”—Interventions to support innovation processes in organizational and production processes in the agricultural cooperative sector and forest consortia.

CLIENT: Food Micro Team
DATE: 2021-ongoing
PARTNER: Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e Forestali (DAGRI UniFi), Food Micro Team e Terre dell’Etruria, Società Cooperativa Agricola tra Produttori