Engineering and architectural services

D.R.E.Am. is able to fulfil the client’s needs by deploying a team of professionals with multidisciplinary skills capable of tackling in a systemic manner the problems and critical issues related to the reference territory.

There are many sectors of intervention: soil protection, urban planning, enhancement of natural and forestry resources, promotion of renewable energy sources, remediation of polluted sites, environmental requalification and enhancement.

D.R.E.Am. operates throughout the country in the public and private sectors with feasibility studies, planning, work management, safety coordination, environmental impact studies, project audit and validation, as well as with assistance and consultancy to organisations on development funds and European, national and regional financing.


Hydraulic, geological and seismic studies

Soil Defence

Smart Energy and Renewable Energy

Polluted Site Remediation

Hydraulic constructions


Environmental Studies and Assessments

Urban Infrastructure and Works


Spatial and urban planning

Slope Consolidation


Eng. Giuseppe Bonanno
Head of Area Engineering Services

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